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About Professor Bondarenko
Aleksandr Bondarenko specializes in general, social and consulting psychology. Head and founder of Center of Consulting Psychology (since 1985). Chief Editor and founder of "Journal of Practicing Psychologist" (issued between 1994 and 2014). Editorial board member of multiple professional periodicals. Author of monographs, textbooks and popular science books such as "Social Personality Psychotherapy", "Psychological Counselling: Theory and Practice", "100 Conversations With Psychologist" and others. Developed a method of express diagnostics of social and psychological strain for enterprises, method of assessment and forecasting of couple's relationships and a method of defining the client's therapeutical potential. Author of officially recognized concept and technique of culture-relevant counselling - Ethical Personalism.
Department of Psychology
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
Institute of Psychology
Faculty of Psychology
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